Tag: Colorado

Anna Hileman, Colorado Basenji Rescue, Dogs Colorado

Join Us at Mountain Toad Brewing for Live Painting, The CO Basenji Rescue, and more!

Join Dogs Colorado with the Colorado Basenji Rescue and a live painting session by Anna Hileman. We will be setting up shop at the Mountain Toad in Golden on June 14th from 4;30 to 7:30. See you there!

Kimberly Beck

This Thing Called Relational Rewilding

Enter Kimberly Beck. The founder of Relational Rewilding Nature Guiding and The Canine Effect LLC. I caught up with Kimberly last month over some tea and coffee in downtown Golden. Although our two hour conversation did include dogs, it was this thing called Relational Rewilding Nature Guiding that we geeked out about for the better part of two hours. My apologies to Chaz for being a bit late for his daily run. So, it is at the corner of Relational Rewilding and “right, Relational Re…w… what!?” that we must begin.